Chapter 11 - Health
You can promote your health by taking definite steps
Your Machine:
~ Fuel it
~ Move it
~ Rest it
- Exercise daily
- Keep your sleeping room cool
- Take a warm bath before bed
- Practice relaxation techniques
- Get up after 30 minutes and do something else
- Avoid naps
- Sleep in the same place every night
- See a doctor
~ Observe it
- Weight loss of more than 10 pounds with no apparent cause
- A sore, scab, or ulcer that does not heal
- A skin blemish or mole that bleeds, itches, or changes
- Persistent or severe headaches
- Sudden vomiting that is not preceded by nausea
- Fainting spells
- Double vision
- Difficulty swallowing
- Persistent hoarseness or nagging cough
- Blood that is coughed up
- Shortness of breath for no reason
- Persistent indigestion or abdominal pain
- A change in normal bowel habits
- Unusual urine
- Lumps or thickening in a breast
- Vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods or after menopause
~ Protect it
- Sex can be hazardous to your health
- Anyone who has sex is at risk of getting a STD
- The most common contagious diseases in the U.S. (affect about one in every six adults):
- Some can lead to blindness, infertility, cancer, heart disease, and death
- Can be harder to diagnose in women
- Spread through body fluids that are exchanged during sex
- AIDS is one of the most serious STDs -- Fatal!
- HIV can be caught by having sex, sharing needles, and passed from the pregnant women to the fetus
- One in 500 college students is infected with HIV
- The only way to be absolutely safe from STDs is to abstain from sex or have sex exclusively with one person who is free of infection and has no other sex partners -- Also avoid injecting illegal drugs
- If you choose to have sex, protect yourself by practicing "safer sex" (condoms, foam, jelly, or cream with condoms)
- Abstinence is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy
- The pill must be taken every day for 21 days a month -- 97% effective
- Intrauterine device (IUD) is about 94% effective
- Diaphragm (barrier method) is about 80% effective
- Foams, creams, tablets, suppositories, and jellies are chemicals placed in the vagina that prevent sperm from getting to the egg (about 86% effective)
- Female condom- Sheath of polyurethane inserted into the vagina (barrier)
- The rhythm method- avoiding intercourse during ovulation (about 80% effective)
- Douching- flushing the vagina with water or other liquid (INEFFECTIVE)
- Withdrawal- removing the penis before ejaculation occurs (INEFFECTIVE)
- Sterilization- permanent form of birth control (almost 100% effective)
- Possible steps to help prevent rape from happening:
- Take a tour of the campus - Note danger spots
- Ask if your school has escort services for people taking evening classes
- Take a course or seminar on self-defense and rape prevention
- If you are raped, get to the nearest rape crisis center, hospital, or police station as soon as you can
- Date rape- The act of forcing sex on a date (most common form of rape on college campuses)
- Communicate clearly what you want and don't want
- Be assertive
- Be cautious about using alcohol or drugs
- Avoid going to secluded places
Protect yourself when using computers
- Dont drive after drinking
- Drive with the realization that other may drive dangerously
- Put poison out of reach of children
- Keep stairs, halls, doorways, and pathways clear
- Don't smoke in bed
- Don't let candles burn unattended
- Keep children away from stoves (pot handles)
- Check electrical cords
- Keep a fire extinguisher handy
- Watch for ways that an infant or toddler could suffocate or choke
- Install smoke detectors
- Ergonomics focuses on ways to prevent problems concerning office work conditions.
- Suggestions:
- Rest your eyes from time to time
- Take breaks
- Pay attention to your posture
- Type with the keyboard in your lap
Seven Dietary Guidelines