Chapter 2-- Time!

Read "Treasure the Moment" and take 5 minutes to write a paragraph about what it means.

You do have enough time for the things you want to do!
All it takes is learning ways to manage time
All people have exactly the same number of hours in a week.
Time cannot be saved.
Time is a nonrenewable resource - When this minute is gone, it's gone!

You can manage this commodity so you won't waste it.
Approach time as if you are in control.
Time management gives you a chance to spend your most valuable resource in the way you choose. Start by observing how you use time!

25 ways to get the most out of now:

When to study...
1. Study difficult subjects first.
2. Be aware of your best time of day.
3. Use waiting time

Where to study...
4. Use a regular study area.
5. Study where you'll be alert.
6. Use a library.

Ways to handle the rest of the world...
7. Pay attention to your attention.
8. Agree with living mates about study time.
9. Get off the phone.
10. Learn to say no.
11. Hang a "do not disturb" sign on your door.
12. Get ready the night before.
13. Call ahead.
14. Avoid noise distractions.
15. Notice how others misuse your time.

Things you can ask yourself when you get stuck...
16. What is one task I can accomplish toward my goal?
17. Am I being too hard on myself? [Allow yourself to feel foolish and get on with it]
18. Is this a piano?
19. Would I pay myself for what I'm doing right now?
20. Can I do just one more thing?
21. Am I making time for things that are important but not urgent?
[Ex. Exercise, reading, prayer or meditation]
22. Can I delegate this?
23. How did I just waste time?
24. Could I find the time if I really wanted to?
25. Am I willing to promise it? [promise yourself and others that you will get it done]

Extracurricular Activities:
Saying: -- "If you want it done, ask a busy person to do it."
[What does this mean???]

Campus organizations can lead to new skills, possible careers, contacts for jobs, and experiences for resumes.
When students don't balance activities with class work, their success in school can suffer

~ Enter any commitment consciously. [eyes open]
~ Learn new skills in managing your time.
~ Make commitments from the biggest picture of your time. [months & years]
~ Remember your priorities. [rank according to importance]
~ Notice when your actions fail to match your promises. [not attending???]
~ Say no to activities that fail to create value for you.
~ Check out the rules for joining.
~ Do a trial run.

Time management for right-brained people:
The point of managing time is not to load us down with extra obligations --- But to get the important things done!
Managing time allows us to be productive and relaxed at the same time.
Give your time management strategies a fair trial.
"Time cannot be managed! -- We can manage ourselves in respect to time!"

Planning sets you free:
When you plan, you are the equal of the greatest sculptor, painter, or playwright --
You are designing a life!
Planning is the art of transforming dreams into realities.

Planning increases our freedom in specific ways:

Strategies for Scheduling;

  1. Class time
  2. Work time
  3. Sleeping
  4. Eating

Strategies for long-term planning:
Use the following suggestions for long-term planning:

1. State your goals effectively. [state them with results you can measure]
2. Remember the difference between measurements and values. [don't get the results and miss the goal]
3. Work backward from the future to the present.
4. Write out your plan.
5. Be willing to act-- even if the plan is not complete.
6. Just open your mouth and talk planning. [this can focus our intentions]
7. Remember to remember. [we can easily lose sight of our goals]

Save Time with your Computer
A personal computer can help you manage time:

The Seven-Day Anti-procrastination Plan:

To-Do Lists:

1. List the things you want do get done within 24 hours. (This way you don't have to remember what to do!)
2. Cross out items as you complete them.
3. Add new items as you remember them.
4. Rate each task by priority.

A, B, or C system

Changing Habits

I. Introduction

Many people make excuses of NOT changing behavior

"It's just my nature"

This robs us of our opportunity to change

A better train of thought is to decide to control habits!

Eliminate unwanted ones Add new ones

Thinking of yourself not as being defined by your "nature" empowers you!

II. Tell the Truth

Facing the truth about a habit frees you.

Telling the truth (to ourselves) allows us to see (acknowledge) the problem.

Telling the truth leaves us vulnerable - Support from others becomes very important.

III. Commit to use the new behavior

Choose new habit - Promise to use it. - Make a plan for when/how

Do something else instead of the habit - Make the habit inconvenient

<New Habit Plan Activity - On paper, answer the following questions>

When will you apply the new habit?
Where will you be?
Who will be with you?
How will you think, speak, act differently

IV. Affirm your intention

Clear a mental path for new behavior" -See yourself carrying out your plan.

Rehearse the plan in your mind. Rehearse SUCCESS.

Use all your senses.

V. Start with a small change

You may be able to change a whole pattern of behavior by changing one small habit.

A small habit may affect a large part of your life.

Ex. Changing how you deal with stress may improve your whole day?

VI. Get feedback and support

Critical -- This is a place where many people's plans fail.

Bring other people into the picture.

Support can be just a quick phone call - Can be a support group meeting

You are the best source for feedback - You know yourself best.

VII. Practice, practice, practice... Without reproach

B.F. Skinner -- Learning- Change in behavior as a result of practice

Act on your intention! -- If you fail - Keep trying! -- Allow time to change!

Keep practicing - even when it feels unnatural

Grow into the new behavior!

Complete Exercise #8 -- Time Monitor/Time Plan Process on page 36.

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