
"This book Is worthless"

What do you think this means???

Until you take ACTION and use the ideas in it, it is worthless (You will not become the Master Student!)

You must first realize the value of committing yourself to spend the energy to USE the book.

You already bought the book--- Now get something for your money by committing yourself to become a Master Student!

Why should you be a Master Student???:

1. You can save money now and make more later ~Education is one of the most expensive things you will ever buy($30- $70/Hour Typically)

Many students think classes aren't worth 50 cents/hour.

You control the value you get out of your education

College graduates make about $l million more during their lifetimes than their non-degreed peers.

2. You can rediscover the natural learner in you

As a master student, you will discover the joyful, natural learner within you.

You will learn how to learn in the most effective way (s)

As we progress in school, learning can become a drag!

With this book you can reverse that process and learn to enjoy learning

3. You can choose from hundreds of techniques

You can use the ideas in this book to become a more effective, student

There are many ideas on becoming a Master Student. Not all will work for you.

Experiment with the techniques and discover what works for you.

You will develop a learning style that you can use for the rest of your life

4. You get the best suggestions from thousands of students This text consists of learning strategies which thousands of students have said work for them.

Now you can use their ideas.

5. You can learn about you

# Self-discovery is very important in becoming a Master Student

Choose goals and organize your time/space

6. You can use a proven product

In schools where this book was used the dropout rate decreased as much as 25%-50%!

7. You can learn the secret of student success

There are hundreds of strategies and tactics used by successful students in this book. Use/change Them!!! [invent new ones]

You are the expert on what works for you!

Techniques will never work without COMMITMENT and ACTION. ...FROM YOU!!!

How to get the most out of this book:

1. Rip it out
2. Skip around (first 6 chapters -- Study Skills, last 6 chapters -- Other areas
3. If it works use it, if not lose it
4. Rewrite the book (Come up with your own learning strategy)
5. Put yourself into the book (Invent examples-Starring yourself)
6. Yuk it up (Learn AND have fun)
7. Own this book (write summaries of each chapter)
8. Do the exercises
9. Get used to a new look and tone
10. Practice Critical Thinking
11. Learn about learning styles
12. Enter cyberspace
13. Create a portfolio

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