Evaluation Project
Complete a typed paper which is at least two pages in
length and covers the following points comparing your current
program to a new program that would be more beneficial to you:
Current Program
- List the specific objectives of the program.
- List the reasons and rationale for those
- List all activities undertaken as an attempt to
meet the objectives.
- Explain how the activities were intended to meet
the objectives.
- Determine to what extent the activities
participated in adequately met each specific objective
New Program
- What could have been done differently in order to
better meet those objectives?
- could the objectives themselves have been
established differently in order to increase the chance
of meeting each of them?
- Explain the training in terms of Mode, Frequency,
Duration, Repititions, Sets, and length of program
- How could these aspects of training have been
imporved upon?
- How would this new program better benefit the