Study guide for section #2
Chapters 6, 7, and 10
Test #2

  1. Chapters 6, 7, and 10
  2. Your Notes
  3. Questions form ANY Quizzes
  4. General Terms/Phrases
  5. Cardiorespiratory endurance/training
  6. Blood pressure/Heart rate
  7. Heart/Lungs/Blood vessels
  8. Age/Metabolism
  9. Exercise
  10. Hypokenetic Diseases
  11. Aerobic/Anaerobic activities
  12. Maximum Heart Rate
  13. Duration
  14. Exercising during pregnancy
  15. Common Causes of injury
  16. Leisure Activities
  17. Anabolic Steroids
  18. Factors that affect strength
  19. Isometric
  20. Isotonic
  21. Isokenetic
  22. Variable Resistance
  23. Intensity
  24. Overload
  25. Consistency
  26. Aerobic/Anaerobic
  27. Systolic
  28. Diastolic
  29. Mode
  30. Duration
  31. Frequency
  32. Side stitch/Shin splints
  33. Strength
  34. Endurance
  35. Atrophy
  36. Hypertrophy
  37. Slow/Fast twitch fibers
  38. Specificity

* Know each term/phrase AS IT APPLIES to the Concepts of Physical Activity course.