Chapter 1 Quiz

1. The goal of preventive medicine is to

A. identify and reduce risk factors in the patient's life.
B. promote managed health care over traditional insurance.
C. prevent prople from having to visit doctors.
D. treat illness.

2. The dimension of health that focuses on your relation to others, the nature of human behavior, and your willingness to serve others is the

A. social
B. spiritual
C. physical
D. intellectual

3. The traditional American approach to health care is

A. multidimensional
B. preventative
C. episodic

4. As opposed to rehabilitation, remediation of a loss of physical function means to

A. accept the loss of one function but strengthen those that remain.
B. correct the problem through alternative means.
C. maintain what function remains.
D. restore the original function.

5. Unlike most other concepts of health, holistic health considers ____ to be part of overall health.

A. intelectual and spiritual dimensions
B. others' perceptions of your health
C. your attitudes about your health
D. tolerance for risk

6. The first developmental task of young adults is to

A. form an initial adult identity.
B. establish independence.
C. assume responsibility.
D. develop social skills.

7. Developing independence as a young adult means moving away from dependence on

A. your family.
B. your peer group.
C. your community.
D. the values of your childhood environment.

8. Your ability to process information, clarify values and beliefs, and exercise decision-making ability lies primarily in which dimension of health?

A. social
B. spiritual
C. physical
D. intellectual

9. Intimate relationships are important because they provide us with others with whom we can

A. establish independence from parents.
B. discover our feelings and emotions.
C. share our deepest thoughts.
D. release our daily stresses.

10. Which of the following is the best example of generativity?

A. Traveling around the world to help define one's sense of purpose
B. Contrubuting one's spare time to tutor local schoolchildren
C. Making positive life changes to minimize health risks
D. Regaining lost functions through a fitness program

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