A branch campus of ASU-Beebe
Beginning Tennis-10001

Instructor: Mr. Allen Mooneyhan
Office hours:
Click here
Office: WH 206

Text: Johnson & Xanthos. Tennis. Seventh Ed. Brown & Benchmark. (1997).

1. An introduction to the basic skills, rules, and strategy of tennis

2. Course Reqirements and Evaluation Procedures:
A. Course Requirements -- The student will be expected to:

B. Evaluation Procedures

Skills tests (psychomotor domain): 100
Written tests (cognitive domain): 100
Class participation (affective domain): 100
Points possible 300
90-100 = A
80 - 89 = B
70 - 79 = C
60 - 69 = D
Below 60 = F

C. Class Routine

Skill Test:
Left Serve.........................25
Right Serve.....................25

The final will be a written test covering the notes and skills covered in class.

Class Participation:
You will receive 100 points on your participation points if you miss NO (0) classes (for any reason)!
For every class period that you miss, you will loose five points of your participation points. Participation
means that you are in class (ON TIME) and adequately participate in what your instructor asks of you.
Remember, this is the easiest grade to "ACE". However, if you miss more than a few classes, your
participation grade will lower your total grade.

Liability Statement:
This is a class which involves physical activity and there is always a risk of injury or accident. Therefore, it is suggested that:

  1. You notify the instructor if there are any medical problems or physical disability that would limit your full participation in the class.

  2. Students over the age of 35 and those less than 35 who have any history of medical problems, either
    themselves or in their family, consult with their physician to determine if they are "cleared" to fully
    participate in this class.

  3. Each student carry health insurance.

SERVICES TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES.  The Coordinator of Student Services has been designated as the Arkansas State University-Newport compliance coordinator for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Any student who requires special services should contact the Coordinator of Student Services.

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