5 -- Principles of Weight Control
- Introduction
- Overweight- An excessive amount of weight
against a given standard
- Obesity- A chronic disease characterized
by an excessively high amount of fat in relation to lean
body mass
- There are also problems with being
underweight -- Pressure to become and stay thin can lead
to eating disorders
- Extreme weight loss can lead to serious
medical conditions (heart damage, shrinkage of internal
organs, etc.)
- Obesity and Overweight
- According to 1993 estimates, 65% of adults
in the U.S. were over their recommended bodyweight
- Obesity is a major risk factor for
diseases of the cardiovascular system
- Obesity has also been associated with
Cancer, diabetes, and other health problems
- About 50% of women and 25% men are on
diets at any given time
- Most overweight people are not obese
- People should be realistic about weight
loss programs
- The Weight-loss Dilemma
- Yo-Yo dieting carries as great a risk to
ones health as remaining overweight
- The body is highly resistant to weight
changes through caloric restrictions alone
- Fad diets appeal to many people -- A diet
must be something you can LIVE WITH!
- Most fad diets work through loss of water
and protein, not fat
- The BEST method for weight loss is a
moderate reduction in caloric intake with a moderate
increase in caloric expenditure! [if I increase my
exercise by 1% and decrease
- Eating disorders
- A condition of self-imposed starvation
to lose and maintain very low body weight (most are
- Anorexics also have a distorted body
image and sometimes combine extreme dieting with
extreme physical behaviors!
- Many problems can be reversed --
Treatment usually requires professional help
- A pattern of binge eating and purging
- The binge-purge cycle usually occurs
in stages:
~ Stressful event
~ Binge eating
~ Guilt/Fear
~ Purging
- The most common form of purging is
self-induced vomiting
- Strenuous bouts of exercise are common
in bulimics
- Can be treated successfully when the
person realizes the behavior is destructive and not
the "Answer"
- Physiology of Weight Loss
- The energy balancing equation
- When caloric input equals caloric
output à There is no weight change
- If input is greater à
There is weight gain
- If output is greater à
There is weight loss
- One pound of fat represents about 3500
- We have a set point for fat storage
- The body works like a thermostat to
control body weight
- If consumption decreases, the body
adjusts to conserve energy
- If consumption increases, the body
adjusts to expend energy
- Dieting can cause you to gain weight
- A person should not go below
1200(women) and 1500(men) calories/day
- Weight loss should be gradual
- The set point can be lowered by:
- Aerobic exercise
- A diet high in complex
- Nicotine
- Amphetamines
- The set point can be raised by:
- A diet high in refined
- Near-fasting diets
- Artificial sweeteners
- Eat small amounts of food
- Increase complex carbohydrates and
- Decrease sugars and fats
- Fat substitutes add no calories
but may encourage poor eating habits
- A diet should be a permanent
change -- NOT a temporary tool
- Diet and Metabolism
- Weight loss by diet alone decreases lean
body mass
- Weight loss by "diet &
exercise" decreases fat
- Loss of lean body mass can:
- Weaken muscles
- Damage organs
- Slow metabolism
- Cause disturbances in heart
- Metabolic rate slows because people slow
down (not because of age)
- Basal metabolism is directly related to
body composition
- Metabolism is the process of using oxygen
to burn calories
- The more lean tissue, the higher the
metabolic rate
- Exercise is vital to weigh loss and
- A combination of aerobic and
strength-training works best
- Health weight gain
- "skinny" people should
exercise and increase calorie intake
- Weight gain through diet alone
increases fat
- Strength-training works BEST
- Weight-loss myths:
- Spot reducing (global)
- Loosing cellulite (Specific
exercises will NOT get rid of specific fat)
- Sweat suits (Water
- Steam baths/Saunas (Water loss -
Replace or death occurs)
- Mechanical vibrators (fat cannot
be rolled or shaken off)
- Medical exam should be taken before
starting a weight-loss program
- Don't do too much too fast!
- Strategies for weight loss:
- Make a commitment to change
- Set realistic goals
- Exercise and eat healthy
- Avoid automatic eating
- Stay busy and plan meals
- Cook wisely
- Don't serve more food than
- Eat slowly
- Avoid social binges/eating out
- No raids on the
"frig"/cookie jar
- Manage stress
- Reward accomplishments and think
- Conclusion: Weight loss is accomplished
with a LIFETIME commitment to physical activity and a
proper diet!
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