
This class will meet at 2:00 PM on Thursday every OTHER week (Eight times during the semester).  Check the Due Dates page for room number & dates.  This time is designated solely for activity labs and tests and will only last until 3:00.  All the lecture material should be completed by the student online.  Specific assignments and dates are provided on the syllabus and/or Due Dates page.

PE for Elementary Grades

Section 1
Section 2
Section 3
Instructor: Mr. Allen Mooneyhan
Office hours: Click here

Text: Pangrazi, R. P. Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon. 2001.

Course Objectives: At the completion of this course, students will:


1. Understand the need for physical education and physical activity for elementary school children.

2. Comprehend the instructional process of physical education with regard to quality instruction, instructional effectiveness, management and discipline, evaluation, and teaching children with disabilities.

3. Have been exposed to the implications of program implementation including curriculum development, liability and safety, facilities/equipment, and rainy day alternatives.

4. Be able to design teaching objectives in the following areas:

  • Personal health skills

  • Fundamental motor skills

  • Specialized motor skills

  • Sport skills

Method of Evaluation and Grading:

Test #1 100
Test #2 100
Test #3 100
Test #4 100
Final 200
Participation 100
Assign/Quizzes 100
Activity paper/plans 200
Total points: 1000
A 90 - 100
B 80 - 89
C 70 - 79
D 60 - 69
F Below 60

Class Attendance and Make-up Work: Attendance is mandatory. Participation is necessary in order to pass the class. Each class period is worth points toward your participation grade. Scheduled tests and activities will not be changed and anyone not participating will not be allowed to make them up. If you know in advance that you will have a conflict with a test, you may contact the instructor IN ADVANCE and discuss the issue with him. In some cases, make-up tests may be allowed if notice is given IN ADVANCE. The teacher is not responsible for providing you with any missed work or lecture notes.

Student Responsibilities: The student is responsible for attending every class and being there ON TIME. If a student should miss class, he/she is responsible for obtaining the notes/material missed during that class.

Calendar of assignments, activities, and tests (THIS IS TENTATIVE!):

Check Due dates Page

Liability Statement:

This is a class which involves physical activity and there is always a risk of injury or accident. Therefore, it is suggested that:


1. You notify the instructor if there are any medical problems or physical disability that would limit your full participation in the class.

2. Students over the age of 35 and those less than 35 who have any history of medical problems, either themselves or in their family, consult with their physician to determine if they are "cleared" to fully participate in this class.

3. Each student carry health insurance.

SERVICES TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES.  The Coordinator of Student Services has been designated as the Arkansas State University-Newport compliance coordinator for Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  Any student who requires special services should contact the Coordinator of Student Services.

Be sure that you have an email address and provide your instructor with the following information:

  • Name: 
  • Address: 
  • City, State: 
  • Zip Code: 
  • Email: 
  • Phone #: 

Did you read ALL of the syllabus?  Yes  |   No

I understand that I am required to attend a lab which will meet on specific 
Thursdays at 2:00 PM (Check the syllabus for dates & location).

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